
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kickball Week 5 Monday

Name: Jesslynn Patton

Activity Learning Kickball

Week/ Day of Unit Week 5 Monday

Skill(s) Kickball games

Grade Level 7th

# of students 30+ Equipment (what and how much) 9 bases, 3 home plates, 12 cones, 3 kickballs, and 3 pitching plates

Link to Utah State Standard

Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)

(1)_Standard 5 Objective 3 Demonstrate personal responsibility and the ability to work with others in activity settings. Affective Domain.

(2)_Standard 5 objective 3b. Work independently and on task with a partner and in small or large group activities. Psychomotor domain.

(3)Standard 5 objective 3d Take a supportive role to encourage and positively influence peers in a variety of activity settings. Health-related, and affective domain.

(4)Standard 6 objective 1d Describe how the participation with others can positively influence the attainment of personal fitness goals. Cognitive Domain.

Safety Issues: Field being wet and students slipping, and students kicking the light ball so high and hard

Grouping for each activity: Students will be grouped into 7 teams

Technical Description: Students started with a warm up of 4 minutes and 30 seconds jogging. Then students stretch in assigned lines, with leader in front. Students do hang downs, 30 jumping jacks, standing reach right over left/ switch, 12 lunges, 25 sit-ups, 10 push-ups. Students will then sit in assigned teams.
Most of the period today we went of rule of the kickball games. We went outside and showed them how the fields will be set up, and reviewed the game rules which are:
1. Keep the ball on the ground when pitching. If it bounces then it is a re-pitch.
2. No stealing bases.
3. The kicking lines have to go boy girl boy girl
3. Once a team has scored 5 pts then it is an automatic 3 outs and switch
4. The line starts where it ended the last time
5. You cannot throw the ball at each other from far away on only 3 ft no further. You can run with the ball and touch the runner to get them out, or catch the ball in the air.
6. Be safe and have fun. After reviewing these rules we went outside and drilled kicking and catching the kickball. This gave the students a chance to realize the weight and feel of the kickball compared to the soccer ball.

Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1. Explain the rules and regulations with Physical Education Kickball
2. Tell students that everyone should have the chance to play every position throughout the unit; however, find strengths on the teams
3. When kicking line up on the left if kicking with the right foot and vice versa for left footed

Grouping/Transition: Stay in Teams

Verbal cues:
-Keep the ball on the ground
-Kick with the side of your foot to keep ball low
-Keep your eye on the ball when catching
-know what bases are loaded in order to get an out

Game: The teams will be on 3 different fields that I will be watching and instructing. They will play kickball set up like a softball field and using a red kickball for the game. Students will run after they kick to first base. No stealing bases throughout the game. After 3 catches or outs then the teams switch from out field to infield or vice versa.

1. Explain to the students about finding the strength in the team and how they should set up the fields
2. Explain the importance of kicking correctly in order to score points
3. Review any rules that may have be confused that day
4. Ask if there is any questions

Review/ Assessment: Watch students participation throughout the week and see if they are actively engaged in the games and receiving the full workout.

Suggestions for follow-up: Review assessments marks and see which students are making progress and which ones need more assistance. Play competitive games throughout the week for students to get practice and maintain a high hear rate.

Reference: Suttlemyer

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