
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fitness Journal Friday Week 1

Name: Jesslynn Patton

Activity Fitness Journal

Week/ Day of Unit: Week 1 Friday

Skill(s) assessing correctly and goal setting

Grade Level 7-9th

# of students 30+

Equipment (what and how much) Note books and worksheet I am giving

Link to Utah State Standard

Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)

(1)Standard 3 objective 1c Assess personal fitness status regarding activity participation, energy expenditure, elements of physical fitness, and nutritional practices. Cognitive and psychomotor.

(2)Standard 3 objective 2c. List and evaluate activities that develop specific elements of physical fitness. Health – related fitness domain

(3) Standard 1 objective 2c. Maintain activity journals illustrating activity participation outside of school hours. Affective domain.

(4) Standard 2 objective 2a Review the elements of physical fitness. Cognitive domain.

Safety Issues The students not being honest on their assessments; therefore giving them unrealistic goals.

Grouping for each activity: Same pair they were in last time so they can give each other suggestions for goals they want to accomplish.

Technical Description:
The goal is to have each student self-assess his or her personal fitness and make recommendations for change. Students will be asked to identify areas for change and what activities they prefer to engage in. I will first lecture on what goals should be made in order to be successful. For example, only raising a couple lbs, or a 5 more push-ups since we are assessing again next month. This way they cannot get discouraged that they are not reaching their goals. I will explain the benefit of keeping a these goals and assessments in order to improve. This will be a teaching day and not very active, but learning how to properly begin to be active.

Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 Appropriate goals

2 Examples of goals

3 having students help each other in partners for good goal making and to answer the other questions on their own.

4 lecture good ranges and healthy zones so they have an idea if they are average or not.

Grouping/Transition: Staying in pairs

Verbal cues:

Be honest
Set worthy goals
Be realistic

Closure: Turn assessments and goals back in so I can review them properly and make sure each student has done this correctly. Have the students answer questions of why this is so important and the benefits of goals.

Suggestions for follow-up
Marking the goals each week and if they were followed looking over their sheets daily

Reference http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/teachers/lessonplans/health/fitness/class1.html

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