
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept16 Football Drill

Weber State University Physical Education

Lesson Plan

Activity: Flag Football

Skill(s): Punting, Throwing, Catching

Grade Level: 7th to 9th Grade girls

# of Students: 40 Equipment: Flags, Footballs, Cones

Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 1 Objective 2 A. Consistently throw and catch or kick and receive a ball being guarded by opponents.

Learning Objectives:

Cognitive- Students will understand the difference between offense and defense.

Affective- Students will want to catch and throw the football consistently.

Psychomotor- Students will improve on their punts from the beginning to end of the class period.

Safety Issues: Don’t throw or punt the ball into another person.

Student grouping for each activity: We will have as many groups as there are footballs. I will have to predetermine the groups so that they are the smallest possible.

Technical Description of the skills: Each group will have a ball. The first person in line is the receiver so they need to run about 15 to 20 feet away from their group. The next person in line is the defender and they will need to face their line and defend the third person in line who is the QB. The QB can decide how they want the ball to get to the receiver either by throwing or punting the ball. They will have one chance to get rid of the ball while they are being defended. The receiver will either receive the ball or go and retrieve it. The line will then rotate. See diagram below.

Verbal Cues: Hike, Punt, Pass

Learning Experiences:

Introduction- We will go through the warm and then shortly discuss the difference between defense and offense and what the rules of each party are.

Closure- We will discuss the differences between defense and offense and ask how the girls felt about playing offense. Did the defender make them want to do better or did it just make them want to give up easier?

Assessments: I will watch the girls while they punt and throw and see if the passes are getting better.

Follow up suggestions: Let the girls play the game with the rule that they have to mark up on someone at all times so they are always playing either defense or offense.

Reference: none

Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Blue= Students in line

Green= Quarterback

Orange= Defender

Purple= Receiver

Red= Football

Slashed Line= Throwing Path

After the pass has been completed the line will rotate. The first blue will become the green, green will become orange, orange will become purple, and purple will go to the back of the line.

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