
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept 15th Pass Patterns

Weber State University Physical Education

Lesson Plan

Activity: Flag Football

Skill(s): Pass Patterns

Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade

# of Students: 40

Equipment: Cones, Footballs

Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 3 Objective 2 C. Participate on small teams to promote maximum participation and fitness outcomes.

Learning Objectives:

Cognitive- The students will understand how pass patterns can be used in game play.

Affective- The students as a whole will enjoy the class period.

Psychomotor- The students will perform each of the two drills at least 3 times.

Safety issues- Students need to watch where they are running and be aware of others running down the field.

Student grouping- I will have the students get into their pre assigned squads and put two squads in each group to form 3 groups.

Technical Description of skills. First we will start with the whistle mixer and do our normal warm up skills that consist of high knees, butt kicks, spider man, skip, and back peddle. I will then add the crab walk.

First Drill- We will be doing the braiding drill. There will be three lines in each drill. The person in the center line will start with the ball. They will throw the ball to the first person in either line and will then run behind them. All 3 people are running at once. That student will then throw the ball to the 3rd person. Refer to diagram at the bottom of the lesson plan.

Next Drill- Jumble Pass- There will be a group of 5 to 10 students. They will number themselves off and begin to job in general space. Student number 1 will pass to number 2 and 2 to 3 and so on and so forth. This will help the girls to pass consecutively as well as know where they are throwing it before they release the ball.

Verbal Cues: Hike and Go

Learning Experiences:

Introduction- We will first do our normal warm up and then go into the drills.

Closure- I will ask random girls how a pass pattern can be used in a game situation. I will ask some of the girls who don’t normally answer, that way I can include them in the answering.

Assessments: I will record thoughts about the mood of the class and what I hear the girls saying. Are they having fun or do I hear a lot of complaining?

Follow up suggestions: If they enjoy the drills then plan more and but if they are getting bored then put them into game play sooner.


Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Blue Dots= Students

Red= Football

Slashed lines= Throwing Path

Solid black lines= Running Paths

Note- Remind yoru students that they are to run BEHIND the person they just threw the ball to. This will keep them on track of where to run. They should run down the field while making consecutive passes in this pass pattern.

Blue dots= Students

Numbers= The specific order to throw the ball

Red= Football

Black lines= Running in general space.

Green line= Football path in chronological order (1 through 9)

The students are to be constantly running. They will have to communicate in order to know where to throw the ball. This will also help them to make consecutive passes to specific teammates.

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