
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Volleyball Oct 21

Weber State University Physical Education
Lesson Plan

Activity: Volleyball

Skill(s): Rules and Bumping

Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade girls

# of Students: 40

Equipment: Volleyballs- Paper and pencils (Provided by students)

Connect to Utah State Standard:

Learning Objectives: Standard 2 Objective 1 A Apply the principle of transfer of learning by identifying similarities and differences of movement concepts to facilitate the learning of a new skill.

Cognitive- Students will understand the rules of volleyball and ask questions if needed.

Affective- Students will become excited to start playing volleyball.

Psychomotor- Students will follow and demonstrate the cues for bumping.

Safety Issues: Since we are now inside the girls need to watch out for each other and be careful not to run into the walls.

Student grouping for each activity: The girls were put into their pre assigned squads for the unit.

Technical Description of the skills: We will first go over the rules of volleyball which include the various lines to use on the floor. How to take only one step over the line. How many hits a team can have before the ball needs to go over the net. How many points are needed in order to win the game. How many players are supposed to be on a team at once.

Next we will go over the cues for bumping which are listed under the verbal cues section.

Verbal Cues: Athletic Stance, Use your legs more than your arms, Arms are straight, hit the ball with forearm area, thumbs are parallel with each other while hands are using one of the three grips (interlocking fingers, folded, or wrapped) and last cue is to follow through by pointing your hands in the direction you intend the ball to go.

Learning Experiences:
Introduction- Rules, Cues for bumping, and then trying to keep the ball off the ground using ONLY bumping within your squad.

Closure- Talk about the relation between consecutive hits (keeping the ball off the ground and winning) using the example with how the ultimate Frisbee unit went. My records show the teams that passed and caught the Frisbee, consecutively without dropping it won the most games. So the higher the number of consecutive passes the higher the success rate to win games.

Assessments: Check off if the girls wrote down the rules of volleyball. They will keep them in their locker and refer to them as necessary.

Follow up suggestions: Continue bumping but in smaller groups.

Reference: none

Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up: none

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