
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Standard 5 Assessment and Rubric

Standard 5
Students will exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. (300pts)

Objective 1
Demonstrate responsible personal behavior in physical activity settings.

a. Analyze potential dangers in exercise and activities and identify safe alternatives.


Journal Assignment: First: Write in your journal about the potential dangers in exercise and activities. Address the following in your writing: Name a few potential dangers of exercise and physical activity. Why is it important to use equipment safely? What are the dangers of over exertion and dehydration in exercise? What are some alternative to help keep exercise and physical activity safe?

Second: Pass out a drawing that has a diagram of an unsafe gym area on it. Have the students circle all the things that may lead to injury.




Almost Accomplished

Needs Work

Needs a lot of work

1st Part of Assignment: Journal

(10) Student answered all four questions completely and correctly

(8) Student answered three of the four questions correctly

(5) Student only answered two question correctly

(2) Student answered one question correctly

2nd Part of Assignment: Diagram

(10) Student circled all 10 of the potentially dangerous things

(8) Student only circled 8 or 9 of the potentially dangerous things

(5) Student only circled 5-7 of the potentially dangerous things

(2) Student circled 1-4 of the potentially dangerous things

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