
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Monday, November 8, 2010

Drills Part One

Marci Barker

Portfolio Assignment Part One

October 10, 2010

Ultimate Frisbee Drills

1. Drill- Deflection

Purpose- The students will do this drill to learn how to cause a turnover. If they are not efficient enough to catch the Frisbee then they can at least deflect it to cause a turnover.


Description- There will be a thrower, receiver, and a defender. The stopper is trying to cause a turn over by deflecting the ball out of the air. The students will rotate positions after the Frisbee has been thrown back and forth at least 5 times and the defender has been able to deflect at least two.

Red Dots= Throwers

Blue Dots= Defender

Green Dots= Receivers

Orange Circles= Frisbees

Curved Black Lines= Throwing Path

Length- I would do this drill until each student has had at least 3 turns in each position.


2. Drill- Jumble Pass

Purpose- Students will learn to pass to a specific person. They will also gain unity as a team. They will pick out a certain direction to throw the Frisbee before they release it.


Description- There will be a group of 5 to 10 students. They will number themselves off and begin to jog in general space. Student number 1 will pass to number 2 and 2 to 3 and so on and so forth. This will help the students to pass consecutively as well as know where they are throwing it before they release the Frisbee.

The students are to be constantly running. They will have to communicate in order to know where to throw the ball. This will also help them to make consecutive passes to specific teammates.

Blue dots= Students

Numbers= The specific order to throw the ball

Red= Football

Black lines= Running in general space.

Green line= Football path in chronological order (1 through 9)

Length- 5 to 10 minutes


3. Drill- Braiding or 3 man weave.

Purpose- The students will use this drill to learn a pass pattern and to learn that running while passing the Frisbee is necessary in order to take steps and advance down the playing field.


Description- There will be three lines. The person in the center line will start with the Frisbee. They will throw the Frisbee to the first person in either line and will then run behind them. All 3 people are running at once. That student will then throw the Frisbee to the 3rd person.

Blue Dots= Students

Red= Football

Slashed lines= Throwing Path

Solid black lines= Running Paths

Note- Remind your students that they are to run BEHIND the person they just threw the ball to. This will keep them on track of where to run. They should run down the field while making consecutive passes in this pass pattern.

Length- Until each student has completed the drill at least 3 times.


4. Drill- Ping Pong

Purpose- Students will use this drill to go where their teammate is going to throw the Frisbee. This requires communication and quick thinking.



The student closest to the poly spot is the receiver. The other is the thrower; it is the receiver’s job to run to whatever color the thrower yells out. This is the cue. The receiver needs to be ready to catch the Frisbee. Once received they will return it to the thrower and start over again.

Black- Students

Colors- Poly Spots

Length- Students will switch places either after a # of repetitions or after 10 minutes.


5. Drill- Line to Line

Purpose- Students will learn how to cut after throwing the Frisbee. This is important because they need to move into an open position and continue to move the Frisbee down the field.


Description- The student will throw the Frisbee to the student to their right, run to the left cone and receive a Frisbee from the opposite line. Once they catch it they will hand it to the next person in the line from where they received it and get in the back of the line. Students need to communicate to each other for successful cues and passes.

Black- Students

Blue- Poly Spots

Red- Frisbee

Length- 10 to 15 minutes


Softball Drills

1. Drill- Throwing Increase

Purpose- See how far the students can throw the ball with no specific target. Let them test their abilities.


Description- The students will all line up at the baseline. I would have as many students throw as possible. They will throw on my command and also retrieve on my command to ensure safety. The cones on the left can be used for markers so the students can estimate how far they are able to throw the ball.

Blue Dots= Students

Orange Squares= Cones

Purple Circles= Softballs

Light Grey Lines= Foot Markers (Imaginary lines)

Length- I would let each student throw the ball at least 3 times and then we would be done.


2. Drill- Grounders

Purpose- Give students experience on how to receive the ball off the ground.


Description- Students will stand across from their partner. Each student will take a turn throwing or rolling the ball on the ground. The will alternate throwing and receiving the grounders. All of the students are in the same formation so to ensure safety.

Orange Circles= Students

Green Dots= Softballs

Length- 10-15 minutes


3. Drill- Tee Time

Purpose- Students will do this drill to gain experience hitting the ball. They will start with a tee so that it is easier and they can hit the ball more times. This also eliminates the need for a picture.



Red Circles= Hitters

Blue Circles= Catchers

Purple Circles= Retrievers

Green Dots= Softballs

Pink Squares= Tees

The hitter will get to hit 5 balls off the tee. The retrievers will go and get 5 balls off the field after everyone has hit their 5 softballs. The catcher will put the ball onto the tee for the hitter each time.

Length- 25 minutes or until everyone has had a chance to hit at least 10 softballs.


4. Drill- Playing Catch

Purpose- Students can use this drill as a warm up or down time while they are waiting for their turn.


Description- Students will face their partners and throw the ball back and forth. They will be lined up to ensure safety. The students can scoot back to create more distance for throwing if desired.

Blue Circles= Students

Green Dots= Softballs

Length- 10 minutes


5. Drill- Pitching

Purpose- Introduce the skill of pitching and let students discover their talent.



Red Circles= Students

Purple Dots= Softballs

After the students have learned the dynamics of pitching they can use this drill to practice. Every student will be different so they can choose how far away they want to stand from their partner. The students will take turns pitching the ball as they throw it back and forth.

Length- 10 to 15 minutes.


6. Drill- Batting w/o a tee

Purpose- Students will hit the ball with the skills they have used.



Yellow Circles= Outfielders

Orange Circles = Pitchers

Blue Circles = Batters

Green Circles = Catchers

Black Dots= Softballs

Students will practice hitting the ball from a pitcher and not a tee. Since there may be a lot more students than equipment, the extra students will outfielders and shag the softballs. Ideally you only want or need 4 per team.

Length- After each hitter has hit 4-6 softballs the students will rotate until everyone has had a chance to hit.


7. Drill- Base Running

Purpose- Students will learn how to run the bases and various techniques for running from home to first, first to third, second to home, and home to second.



Orange Circles= Infielders

Green Circles= Outfielders

An infielder will throw the ball as far as they can and an outfielder will try to catch it. As soon as the infielder throws it they can start running. The outfielder who catches it first must then throw it to 3 other outfielders and then yell stop before the infielder has to stop running. The infielder can run either one or two bases. If there are already two infielders on a base then they cannot run. If an infielder has made it around the bases twice they are done running and score a point. The teams will switch positions when each person has a chance to throw the ball and two more people after that.

Length- 30- 40 minutes.


8. Drill- D- Fense

Purpose- Students will not let a ball get past them.



Green Circles= Outfielders

Red Circles= Throwers

Orange Dots= Softballs

The majority of the students will form a circle. Their job is to not let a grounder get past them. The throwers will throw a ball as if it has been hit to the outfield with a bat. If an outfielder lets it get past them then they are then in the middle and have to try and get a ball past the outfielders.

Length- 10 minutes.

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