
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Standard 4 Assessment and Rubric

Mitchell Dean and Rebecca Payton

PEP 3610


Nov. 2, 2010

Fitness for Life

Standard 4-Students will achieve and maintain health-enhancing levels of physical fitness.

Objective 2- Develop and implement a personal fitness plan.

Learning outcome- Pre-test to establish baseline fitness information for muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiovascular endurance.

Activity Description

Students will be placed into groups of 3. Each group will receive a stop watch and each student will receive an assessment sheet. There will be 3 pre-tests done. Each test will be referred to for personal goals throughout the course. One student will perform the test, another will time the test, and the other will record the reps./time. The first test will be a 40 yard dash. The second test will be to find out how many sit-ups the student can do in a minute, and the third test will be to find out how many push-ups a student can do in a minute. Once all students have performed the tests the student will set goals to increase their scores in the next 9 weeks.


You are going to be assigned into a group. There will be one person recording the scores on this paper, one person performing the test, and another person timing the test with a stop watch. The test will begin on the teacher’s cue. The first test will consist of running a 40 yard dash, the second will consist of doing as many sit-ups in a minute, and the third test will consist of doing as many push-ups as you can in a minute. This is a pre-test and will be used for your reference in 9 weeks. After the test has been completed, set a goal for each of the following tests to better your scores. Under the chart, explain how you will achieve your goals.



Score 1 (11/2/2010)


Score 2 (9weeks later

40 yard dash




Criteria (10pts. Possible)

Not acceptable



Student completion of tests. (3pts. possible)

Student doesn’t complete a test (0)

Student completes 1-2 out of 3 tests (2)

Student completes all tests (3)

Student sets goals (3pts. possible)

Student doesn’t make any goals (0)

Student makes 1-2 goals (2)

Student makes 3 goals (3)

Student makes plan to achieve goal (3pts. possible)

Student makes no plans to achieve goals (0)

Student makes plans to achieve 1-2 goals (2)

Student makes plans to achieve 3 goals (3)

Student participates in group. (1pt. possible)

Student does not participate (0)

Student helps classmate with at least 1 test (.5)

Student helps classmate complete all tests (1)

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