
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flag Football 9/7

Weber State University Physical Education
Lesson Plan

Activity: Going over the rules of Flag Football. Introducing me as their teacher and playing flag football if time permits.

Skill(s): Learn all of the rules of flag football

Grade Level: 7-9th grade girls

# of Students: 42 Equipment: Flags, cones, footballs

Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 1 Objective 1 A. - Perform Movement skills such as walking, running, and jumping with efficiency and with proper form.

Learning Objectives:

Cognitive- By the end of class the girls will understand all the rules of flag football.

Affective- By the end of class the girls will be excited to start playing the full game of flag football.

Psychomotor- By the end of the football unit the girls will demonstrate how to throw, punt, and guard in flag football.

Safety Issues: We are going to be in the gym today while explaining the rules and if time permits we will go out and play. The girls need to bring a water bottle because it get’s hot outside.

Student grouping for each activity: The girls are pre assigned to squads already.

Technical Description of the skills: Warm up- two laps around the basketball court then dynamic stretches. First we did butt kicks where students kick their heels up to their buttocks and point their knees to the ground. This ensures an active stretch in the legs. Next we did high knees and then a walking plank where girls start in the push up position. First hey move their feet keeping their ankles together and walk their feet into the hands. Then they walk their hands forward and move their feet again until they get to the designated line. Then they get up and run around the stretching area to get in their lines again.

Next, Miss Tea went over the rules of flag football.

Verbal Cues: Hike, Don’t pass the line of scrimmage, 4 Downs.

Learning Experiences:

Introduction- Go over who is in what squad and where they line up. Explain the new warm up in the gym which is two laps around the basketball court and then 3 to 5 dynamic stretches.

Closure- Each girl rated themselves on how motivated they are to play flag football this week.

Name____________________________ Flag Football Sept. 7th

Recall 3 Rules of Flag Football




0 being not motivated at all and 10 being excited, how motivated are you to play flag football this week?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Follow up suggestions: Do the same motivation question at the end of the week to see if the girls feel differently about playing the game of flag football.

Reference: none

Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up: none

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