Friday, October 15, 2010
Obstacle Course Week 5 Friday
Activity: Obstacle Course
Week/ Day of Unit Week 5 Friday
Skill(s) Muscular Strength and Endurance
Grade Level 7th
# of students 20 Equipment (what and how much)
• Tables
• About 10 different small weight sets
• Tires
• 4 Gymnastics Mats
• Short Jump Ropes
• Stopwatches
• Tables
• 5 or 6 Stools with different sizes
• 8 hula hoops
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1)Standard 2 objective 2e Explain the concepts related to muscular endurance, e.g., high repetitions with low resistance, sport specificity, and the work/rest ratio Cognitive
(2)Standard 3 objective 2c List and evaluate activities that develop specific elements of physical fitness. Health-related fitness and affective
(3)Standard 2 objective 3g Develop weight training programs to build muscular strength, muscular endurance or a combination of the two. Psychomotor and health-related fitness
(4)Standard 3 objective 2 b Develop personal fitness goals based on the pre-testing results and use a post-test to show progress and improvement. Affective and psychomotor
Safety Issues Doing the course wrong or too fast and getting hurt
Grouping for each activity: 4 groups of 10 with two courses set up, if possible set up more so students get more reps.
Technical Description:
1. Begin the obstacle course by jumping rope 10 times.
2. Run to Station 2, and jump onto the first box with both feet, then jump onto the ground, then hop onto the next box with both feet and so on.
3. Speed over to Station 3, and move across the gymnastics mat any way you choose - crawling, inching like a worm or somersaulting.
4. Head over to Station 4, and climb or vault over the table.
5. Dash to the box at Station 5. Step up and down on the box 10 times using only one leg at a time.
6. Run to Station 6 and the rows of hula hoops. Place only one foot in each hoop - and don't miss a hoop.
7. Dash to the mat at Station 7, and do 10 quick sit-ups.
8. Take a breather; the course is complete!
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 Working together as team
2 Incorporating muscular fitness with aerobic fitness
3 Being fast and successful
4 Encouraging each other
Grouping/Transition: Stay in 2 groups
Verbal cues
-Be fast
-be effective
-do the workout right
-Encourage each other
Closure: Have the class do a cool down and see what they like about the course the best. While stretching ask the students what they would have done differently and what was effective.
Grouping/Transition: Staying the same
Review/ Assessment: Review how teamwork can help others succeed
Suggestions for follow-up: Have students write down their time and the next time it is done try to beat the time.
Kickball Week 5 Tuesday
Activity: Learning Kickball
Week/ Day of Unit Week 5 Tuesday
Skill(s) Kickball games
Grade Level 7th
# of students 30+
Equipment (what and how much) 9 bases, 3 home plates, 12 cones, 3 kickballs, and 3 pitching plates
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1)_Standard 5 Objective 3 Demonstrate personal responsibility and the ability to work with others in activity settings. Affective Domain.
(2)_Standard 5 objective 3b. Work independently and on task with a partner and in small or large group activities. Psychomotor domain.
(3)Standard 5 objective 3d Take a supportive role to encourage and positively influence peers in a variety of activity settings. Health-related, and affective domain.
(4)Standard 6 objective 1d Describe how the participation with others can positively influence the attainment of personal fitness goals. Cognitive Domain.
Safety Issues: Field being wet and students slipping, and students kicking the light ball so high and hard
Grouping for each activity: Students will be grouped into 7 teams
Technical Description: Students started with a warm up of 4 minutes and 30 seconds jogging. Then students stretch in assigned lines, with leader in front. Students do hang downs, 30 jumping jacks, standing reach right over left/ switch, 12 lunges, 25 sit-ups, 10 push-ups.
Students will then sit in assigned teams. Students sat in teams and then certain students went outside to set up the fields. Now review the game rules which are:
1. Keep the ball on the ground when pitching. If it bounces then it is a re-pitch.
2. No stealing bases. 3. The kicking lines have to go boy girl boy girl
3. Once a team has scored 5 pts then it is an automatic 3 outs and switch
4. The line starts where it ended the last time
5. You cannot throw the ball at each other from far away on only 3 ft no further. You can run with the ball and touch the runner to get them out, or catch the ball in the air.
6. Be safe and have fun. After reviewing these rules we went outside and played games on 3 fields. 1vs 2, 3 vs. 4, 5 vs.6, 7 vs. Lambs class.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
Explain the rules and regulations with Physical Education Kickball
Tell students that everyone should have the chance to play every position throughout the unit; however, find strengths on the teams
When kicking line up on the left if kicking with the right foot and vice versa for left footed
Grouping/Transition: Stay in Teams
Verbal cues
-Keep the ball on the ground
- Kick with the side of your foot to keep ball low
-Keep your eye on the ball when catching
-know what bases are loaded in order to get an out
Game: The teams will be on 3 different fields that I will be watching and instructing. They will play kickball set up like a softball field and using a red kickball for the game. Students will run after they kick to first base. No stealing bases throughout the game. After 3 catches or outs then the teams switch from out field to infield or vice versa.
Explain to the students about finding the strength in the team and how they should set up the fields
Explain the importance of kicking correctly in order to score points
Review any rules that may have be confused that day
Ask if there is any questions
Review/ Assessment: Watch students participation throughout the week and see if they are actively engaged in the games and receiving the full workout.
Suggestions for follow-up: Review assessments marks and see which students are making progress and which ones need more assistance. Play competitive games throughout the week for students to get practice and maintain a high hear rate.
Reference: Suttlemyer
Kickball Week 5 Monday
Activity Learning Kickball
Week/ Day of Unit Week 5 Monday
Skill(s) Kickball games
Grade Level 7th
# of students 30+ Equipment (what and how much) 9 bases, 3 home plates, 12 cones, 3 kickballs, and 3 pitching plates
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1)_Standard 5 Objective 3 Demonstrate personal responsibility and the ability to work with others in activity settings. Affective Domain.
(2)_Standard 5 objective 3b. Work independently and on task with a partner and in small or large group activities. Psychomotor domain.
(3)Standard 5 objective 3d Take a supportive role to encourage and positively influence peers in a variety of activity settings. Health-related, and affective domain.
(4)Standard 6 objective 1d Describe how the participation with others can positively influence the attainment of personal fitness goals. Cognitive Domain.
Safety Issues: Field being wet and students slipping, and students kicking the light ball so high and hard
Grouping for each activity: Students will be grouped into 7 teams
Technical Description: Students started with a warm up of 4 minutes and 30 seconds jogging. Then students stretch in assigned lines, with leader in front. Students do hang downs, 30 jumping jacks, standing reach right over left/ switch, 12 lunges, 25 sit-ups, 10 push-ups. Students will then sit in assigned teams.
Most of the period today we went of rule of the kickball games. We went outside and showed them how the fields will be set up, and reviewed the game rules which are:
1. Keep the ball on the ground when pitching. If it bounces then it is a re-pitch.
2. No stealing bases.
3. The kicking lines have to go boy girl boy girl
3. Once a team has scored 5 pts then it is an automatic 3 outs and switch
4. The line starts where it ended the last time
5. You cannot throw the ball at each other from far away on only 3 ft no further. You can run with the ball and touch the runner to get them out, or catch the ball in the air.
6. Be safe and have fun. After reviewing these rules we went outside and drilled kicking and catching the kickball. This gave the students a chance to realize the weight and feel of the kickball compared to the soccer ball.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1. Explain the rules and regulations with Physical Education Kickball
2. Tell students that everyone should have the chance to play every position throughout the unit; however, find strengths on the teams
3. When kicking line up on the left if kicking with the right foot and vice versa for left footed
Grouping/Transition: Stay in Teams
Verbal cues:
-Keep the ball on the ground
-Kick with the side of your foot to keep ball low
-Keep your eye on the ball when catching
-know what bases are loaded in order to get an out
Game: The teams will be on 3 different fields that I will be watching and instructing. They will play kickball set up like a softball field and using a red kickball for the game. Students will run after they kick to first base. No stealing bases throughout the game. After 3 catches or outs then the teams switch from out field to infield or vice versa.
1. Explain to the students about finding the strength in the team and how they should set up the fields
2. Explain the importance of kicking correctly in order to score points
3. Review any rules that may have be confused that day
4. Ask if there is any questions
Review/ Assessment: Watch students participation throughout the week and see if they are actively engaged in the games and receiving the full workout.
Suggestions for follow-up: Review assessments marks and see which students are making progress and which ones need more assistance. Play competitive games throughout the week for students to get practice and maintain a high hear rate.
Reference: Suttlemyer
Soccer- Week 4- Wednesday
Activity Soccer
Week/ Day 4 Wednesday
Skill(s) strength and endurance related to conditioning Grade Level 7th
# of students 30+ Equipment (what and how much) Gym
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1)Standard 6 Students will value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. Affective domain, health-related fitness.
(2)Standard 6 objective 1a Select competitive and recreational activities that bring personal satisfaction. Affective domain, psychomotor domain.
(3)Standard 6 objective 1b. Appreciate the aesthetic value of activity participation in a variety of settings. Affective.
(4)Standard 6 objectives 1 c. Recognize that physical activities offer a positive environment to meet and interact with people of varying interests and ability levels. Affective and cognitive.
Safety Issues: The gym being too small and students running into each other
Grouping for each activity: teams 1-7.
Technical Description: Students started with a warm up of 4 minutes and 30 seconds jogging. Then students stretch in assigned lines, with leader in front. Students do hang downs, 30 jumping jacks, standing reach right over left/ switch, 12 lunges, 25 sit-ups, 10 push-ups. Students will then sit in assigned teams. Today students will be in stations with their teams. We did a conditioning relays the team who completed their stations to the fullest amount and correctly would raise their hand when they were done. We had jogging around gym 5 laps, lunges 20, sit-ups 30, push-ups 10, jump ropes 50 in a row, and air squats 30.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 Students will concentrate on endurance and what it means to remain consistent throughout the workout
Give benefits of endurance throughout the workout
Grouping/Transition : Teams 1-7
Verbal cues:
-Go slow and steady
-proper form
- Keep head up when squatting
- lunge keep good poster
-sit-ups come all the way up
-push-ups go all the way down
Game: Conditioning relay
Closure- Tell everyone a great job and thanks for participating. Explain again what it means to participate and gain physical fitness daily.
Grouping/Transition: Staying in teams
Review/ Assessment Review : Review what endurance means and how working out can better quality of life
Reference: Mr. Suttlemyere
Soccer- Week 4- Monday
Activity: Soccer Week/ Day 4 Monday
Skill(s) strength and endurance related to soccer games
Grade Level 7th
# of students 30+
Equipment (what and how much) 12 cones, 6 goals
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1)Standard 6 Students will value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. Affective domain, health-related fitness.
(2)Standard 6 objective 1a Select competitive and recreational activities that bring personal satisfaction. Affective domain, psychomotor domain.
(3)Standard 6 objective 1b. Appreciate the aesthetic value of activity participation in a variety of settings. Affective.
(4)Standard 6 objectives 1 c. Recognize that physical activities offer a positive environment to meet and interact with people of varying interests and ability levels. Affective and cognitive.
Safety Issues: The field being wet and students slipping, and ball being kicked higher than knee level hitting other students.
Grouping for each activity: teams 1-7.
Technical Description: Students started with a warm up of 4 minutes and 30 seconds jogging. Then students stretch in assigned lines, with leader in front. Students do hang downs, 30 jumping jacks, standing reach right over left/ switch, 12 lunges, 25 sit-ups, 10 push-ups. Students will then sit in assigned teams. Today 1vs. 7, 3vs 5, 4vs 6, and team 2 vs. Coach Lambs team. After class teams will report wins and loses.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 Students will concentrate on endurance and what it means to remain consistent throughout the game.
2 Review of soccer rules and procedures
3 Discuss that winning is important but overall cardiovascular endurance is our target goal.
4 Give benefits of endurance throughout the game time.
Grouping/Transition: Teams 1-7
Verbal cues:
-Keep ball under control
-Kick ball with side of foot not the toe
- Use endurance while running up and down the field
-defend student on student
-Do not stand
-Help teammates
-Let everyone have a chance to touch the soccer ball
Game: Soccer
Closure-Tell everyone a great job and thanks for participating. Explain again what it means to participate and gain physical fitness daily.
Grouping/Transition: Staying in teams
Review/ Assessment: Review the rules of soccer and what it meant to have endurance. Have students strive to have a goal in mind daily. Have students fill out a 10 question quiz on rules and concepts of physical education soccer.
Suggestions for follow-up: Review rules daily
Reference: Mr. Suttlemyere
Fitness Journal Friday Week 1
Activity Fitness Journal
Week/ Day of Unit: Week 1 Friday
Skill(s) assessing correctly and goal setting
Grade Level 7-9th
# of students 30+
Equipment (what and how much) Note books and worksheet I am giving
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1)Standard 3 objective 1c Assess personal fitness status regarding activity participation, energy expenditure, elements of physical fitness, and nutritional practices. Cognitive and psychomotor.
(2)Standard 3 objective 2c. List and evaluate activities that develop specific elements of physical fitness. Health – related fitness domain
(3) Standard 1 objective 2c. Maintain activity journals illustrating activity participation outside of school hours. Affective domain.
(4) Standard 2 objective 2a Review the elements of physical fitness. Cognitive domain.
Safety Issues The students not being honest on their assessments; therefore giving them unrealistic goals.
Grouping for each activity: Same pair they were in last time so they can give each other suggestions for goals they want to accomplish.
Technical Description:
The goal is to have each student self-assess his or her personal fitness and make recommendations for change. Students will be asked to identify areas for change and what activities they prefer to engage in. I will first lecture on what goals should be made in order to be successful. For example, only raising a couple lbs, or a 5 more push-ups since we are assessing again next month. This way they cannot get discouraged that they are not reaching their goals. I will explain the benefit of keeping a these goals and assessments in order to improve. This will be a teaching day and not very active, but learning how to properly begin to be active.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 Appropriate goals
2 Examples of goals
3 having students help each other in partners for good goal making and to answer the other questions on their own.
4 lecture good ranges and healthy zones so they have an idea if they are average or not.
Grouping/Transition: Staying in pairs
Verbal cues:
Be honest
Set worthy goals
Be realistic
Closure: Turn assessments and goals back in so I can review them properly and make sure each student has done this correctly. Have the students answer questions of why this is so important and the benefits of goals.
Suggestions for follow-up
Marking the goals each week and if they were followed looking over their sheets daily
Reference http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/teachers/lessonplans/health/fitness/class1.html
Pre Test Thursday Week 1
Activity Pre-testing
Week/ Day of Unit Thurs Week 1
Skill(s) One Mile Run
Grade Level 7-9th
# of students: 30+
Equipment (what and how much) none, Field outside, cones
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1) Standard 1 objective 1a.: Demonstrate basic competence in a variety of activities that contribute to improvement of overall fitness. Psychomotor and health-related fitness.
(2)_Standard 2 objective 2: Explain the elements of physical fitness, e.g., flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition Cognitive and psychomotor
(3)Standard 2 objective 1c. Describe how physical activity affects body mass composition, including muscle and fat percentages and bone density. Psychomotor and affective Domain.
(4) Standard 2 objective 1b.Identify genetic influences on body type, sedentary lifestyle diseases, muscle types, and rates of weight gain and loss. Cognitive Domain.
Safety Issues: Grass being wet
Grouping for each activity: Individually
Technical Description: The first of class is role call against the bleachers, then running for 4 minutes, and then stretching. The class will then sit in the key of the basketball court in order to be instructed further. Instructor will explain NASPE standards for this fitness test. The teacher will modify and demonstrate how the students are to run, and they will go outside to show the students where the cones have been placed. Instructor will also tell students to remember their times. The teacher will have the students begin and have a stopwatch ready for when the students are done. This is a fitness test so that I can have all of my students be assessed in order to see how far they have progressed. I would like to watch each student and have them record their results so that I can plan each lesson according to where my class stands fitness wise. This will take the whole class period and will be a good indicator of where each student is. I will have everyone record every score honestly and turn their papers in.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 Instructor will show students where they are to run and walk through guidelines of how to run on field and around cones.
2 I will be at a corner watching students making sure they don’t cut, and other instructors will be timing.
Grouping/Transition: They will continue to be individually.
Verbal cues
-Pace yourself in order to endure.
-Concentrate on breathing and what your body is telling you
Pre Test Wednesday Week 1
Activity Pre-testing
Week/ Day of Unit Wed. Week 1
Skill(s) Flexibility
Grade Level 7-9th
# of students: 30+
Equipment (what and how much) Flexibility Box
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1) Standard 1 objective 1a.: Demonstrate basic competence in a variety of activities that contribute to improvement of overall fitness. Psychomotor and health-related fitness.
(2)_Standard 2 objective 2: Explain the elements of physical fitness, e.g., flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition Cognitive and psychomotor
(3)Standard 2 objective 1c. Describe how physical activity affects body mass composition, including muscle and fat percentages and bone density. Psychomotor and affective Domain.
(4) Standard 2 objective 1b.Identify genetic influences on body type, sedentary lifestyle diseases, muscle types, and rates of weight gain and loss. Cognitive Domain.
Safety Issues: Students to close together
Grouping for each activity: Students will be in groups of 6
Technical Description: The first of class is role call against the bleachers, then running for 4 minutes, and then stretching. The class will then sit in the key of the basketball court in order to be instructed further. Instructor will explain NASPE standards for this fitness test. The teacher demonstrated the flexibility test. Students who are not getting tested at that time are to walk around gym one lap and then run around gym one lap until their group is instructed to get tested. This is a fitness test so that I can have all of my students be assessed in order to see how far they have progressed. I would like to watch each student and have them record their results so that I can plan each lesson according to where my class stands fitness wise. This will take the whole class period and will be a good indicator of where each student is. I will have everyone record every score honestly and turn their papers in.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 Instructor will demonstrate the flexibility first and how it is done.
Grouping/Transition: They will continue to be in groups until they have been tested.
Verbal cues
-Stretch out legs first .
-Have good Posture.
-Keep motion all in one movement.
Pre Test Tuesday Week 1
Activity Pre-testing
Week/ Day of Unit Tues Week 1
Skill(s) Sprint line test
Grade Level 7-9th
# of students: 30+
Equipment (what and how much) wood flooring, wooden sticks
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1) Standard 1 objective 1a.: Demonstrate basic competence in a variety of activities that contribute to improvement of overall fitness. Psychomotor and health-related fitness.
(2)_Standard 2 objective 2: Explain the elements of physical fitness, e.g., flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition Cognitive and psychomotor
(3)Standard 2 objective 1c. Describe how physical activity affects body mass composition, including muscle and fat percentages and bone density. Psychomotor and affective Domain.
(4) Standard 2 objective 1b.Identify genetic influences on body type, sedentary lifestyle diseases, muscle types, and rates of weight gain and loss. Cognitive Domain.
Safety Issues: Students shoes being slick when sprinting to line and back
Grouping for each activity: I will have a line of guys and a line of girls
Technical Description: The first of class is role call against the bleachers, then running for 4 minutes, and then stretching. The class will then sit in the key of the basketball court in order to be instructed further. Instructor will explain NASPE standards for this fitness test. The teacher demonstrated the short sprint test. First student is to sprint to the line instructed grab the wooden stick sprint back put in down sprint to the same line again, grab the other wooden stick and sprint through line. Teacher is timing activity. After student is done doing their test, then they will walk around the gym in order to keep heart rate up. This is a fitness test so that I can have all of my students be assessed in order to see how far they have progressed. I would like to watch each student and have them record their results so that I can plan each lesson according to where my class stands fitness wise. This will take the whole class period and will be a good indicator of where each student is, I will have everyone record every score honestly and turn their papers in.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 Instructor will demonstrate the sprint test first and how it is done.
Grouping/Transition: They will continue to be in a line until they have been tested.
Verbal cues
-Sprint as fast as you can whichever way you go to turn around, use that same hand to reach down to grab the wooden stick.
-Make a short turning point in order to be faster, do not spin all the way around.
-follow through, keep running and don’t slow down until times is stopped.
Pre Test Monday Week 1
Activity Pre-testing
Week/ Day of Unit Monday Week 1
Skill(s) Push-Ups, Sit-ups
Grade Level 7-9th
# of students: 30+
Equipment (what and how much) wood flooring, tape
Link to Utah State Standard
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1) Standard 1 objective 1a: Demonstrate basic competence in a variety of activities that contribute to improvement of overall fitness. Psychomotor and health-related fitness.
(2)_Standard 2 objective 2: Explain the elements of physical fitness, e.g., flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition Cognitive and psychomotor
(3)Standard 2 objective 1c. Describe how physical activity affects body mass composition, including muscle and fat percentages and bone density. Psychomotor and affective Domain.
(4) Standard 2 objective 1b.Identify genetic influences on body type, sedentary lifestyle diseases, muscle types, and rates of weight gain and loss. Cognitive Domain.
Safety Issues: Students to close together
Grouping for each activity: I will have my entire class in pairs
Technical Description: The first of class is role call against the bleachers, then running for 4 minutes, and then stretching. The class will then sit in the key of the basketball court in order to be instructed further. Today This is a fitness test so that I can have all of my students be assessed in order to see how far they have progressed. I would like to watch each student and have them record their results so that I can plan each lesson according to where my class stands fitness wise. I will have stations set up so that it goes faster; one station will be sit-ups, one push-up. I am going to use the example of my fit for life class and test the endurance of Sit-up I will have my students sit on line in gym and touch their finger tips to the taped line while their partner counts and watches to make sure they are being done right. The same goes for push-up’s The station with push-ups will have the tape telling the students when to go down and up, and the teachers will be watching the form of the students. This will take the whole class period and will be a good indicator of where each student is, I will have everyone record every score honestly and turn their papers in.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 I will have a student who can do a good skilled push-up demonstrate what one looks like in order to assess their partners.
2 On sit-ups I will have a student demonstrate a perfect sit-up with feet on the ground continually and not pushing off the mat, so the students will know what an acceptable sit-up should look like.
Grouping/Transition: They will continue to stay in pairs.
Verbal cues:
-Keep feet on the ground
- do not push off the mat
-keep back straight on push-ups and head up
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ultimate Frisbee Assessment 10/8
0 being “I hated it” and 5 being “I loved playing” Rate yourself on your motivation to play Ultimate Frisbee.
0 1 2 3 4 5
What would you change about your Ultimate Frisbee Squad?
Would you like to be a squad leader? Yes No
How well did you remember and use your cues to throw the Frisbee? Put a check mark in the corresponding box.
Always Often Sometimes Never
Put weight back then forth.
Kept the Frisbee parallel to the ground.
Pointed to where you wanted the Frisbee to go.
What kind of catching worked best for you?
What strategy worked best for your team?
Tell me your favorite thing about Ultimate Frisbee.
Tell me your worst experience with Ultimate Frisbee.
Flag Football 9/7
Lesson Plan
Activity: Going over the rules of Flag Football. Introducing me as their teacher and playing flag football if time permits.
Skill(s): Learn all of the rules of flag football
Grade Level: 7-9th grade girls
# of Students: 42 Equipment: Flags, cones, footballs
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 1 Objective 1 A. - Perform Movement skills such as walking, running, and jumping with efficiency and with proper form.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- By the end of class the girls will understand all the rules of flag football.
Affective- By the end of class the girls will be excited to start playing the full game of flag football.
Psychomotor- By the end of the football unit the girls will demonstrate how to throw, punt, and guard in flag football.
Safety Issues: We are going to be in the gym today while explaining the rules and if time permits we will go out and play. The girls need to bring a water bottle because it get’s hot outside.
Student grouping for each activity: The girls are pre assigned to squads already.
Technical Description of the skills: Warm up- two laps around the basketball court then dynamic stretches. First we did butt kicks where students kick their heels up to their buttocks and point their knees to the ground. This ensures an active stretch in the legs. Next we did high knees and then a walking plank where girls start in the push up position. First hey move their feet keeping their ankles together and walk their feet into the hands. Then they walk their hands forward and move their feet again until they get to the designated line. Then they get up and run around the stretching area to get in their lines again.
Next, Miss Tea went over the rules of flag football.
Verbal Cues: Hike, Don’t pass the line of scrimmage, 4 Downs.
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- Go over who is in what squad and where they line up. Explain the new warm up in the gym which is two laps around the basketball court and then 3 to 5 dynamic stretches.
Closure- Each girl rated themselves on how motivated they are to play flag football this week.
Name____________________________ Flag Football Sept. 7th
Recall 3 Rules of Flag Football
0 being not motivated at all and 10 being excited, how motivated are you to play flag football this week?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Follow up suggestions: Do the same motivation question at the end of the week to see if the girls feel differently about playing the game of flag football.
Reference: none
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up: none
Flag Football 9/14
Lesson Plan
Activity: Flag football drills
Skill(s): Students will learn how to run while protecting the ball from opponents. They will learn pass patterns.
Grade Level: 7th to 9th Grade Girls
# of Students: 40 Equipment: Cones, Footballs
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 2 Objective 1 A. Apply the principle of transfer of learning by identifying similarities and differences of movement concepts to facilitate the learning of a new skill.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Students will understand the passing and protecting drill by correctly running to the next line.
Affective- Students will feel more prepared and more motivated to play flag football this week.
Psychomotor- Students will demonstrate how to protect the ball by hugging it and holding it close into their body.
Safety Issues: Students will be careful not to run into the other lines.
Student grouping for each activity: I will use the whistle mixer to get the students into 8 groups. Each of the two drills will have 4 lines.
Technical Description of the skills: Students will form 4 lines at each of the four corners of a square. Lines 1 and 3 will pass to Line 2 and 4. Lines 2 and 4 will then take the ball, protect it, and run to lines 1 and 3 to return the ball. See picture or diagram below.
Verbal Cues: Hug the ball. Hike.
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- Use the skills we have learned in the previous lessons to know where to run and how to throw the ball to our teammate.
Closure- I will explain how we are using all of these drill in preparation for actual game play at the end of the unit. Also, the girls will feel more prepared and more motivated to play flag football this week.
Assessments: The affective assessment will take place later in the week in their journals. I have previously asked what they would rate their motivation and I hope by the end of the week the average of 4.9 will go up. Also, I will observe each of the girls as the drill goes on to see if they are completing the cognitive and psychomotor objectives.
Follow up suggestions: Add previous drills together and let them make up their own drills. Or if the girls are getting bored, tell them to run at the girl they just passed the ball to. This will get the runners in the mind set they need to protect the ball and run.
Reference: none
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Orange= Cones
Light Blue= Students
Big Blue= Runners
Red= Footballs
The first students in lines 1 and 3 will pass their footballs to the first person in lines 2 and 4. Those runners will then protect the ball while running to give the ball to the first person in lines 3 and 1. You run to the line that you passed or ran to.
Flag Football 9/16
Lesson Plan
Activity: Flag Football
Skill(s): Punting, Throwing, Catching Grade Level: 7th to 9th Grade girls
# of Students: 40 Equipment: Flags, Footballs, Cones
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 1 Objective 2 A. Consistently throw and catch or kick and receive a ball being guarded by opponents.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Students will understand the difference between offense and defense.
Affective- Students will want to catch and throw the football consistently.
Psychomotor- Students will improve on their punts from the beginning to end of the class period.
Safety Issues: Don’t throw or punt the ball into another person.
Student grouping for each activity: We will have as many groups as there are footballs. I will have to predetermine the groups so that they are the smallest possible.
Technical Description of the skills: Each group will have a ball. The first person in line is the receiver so they need to run about 15 to 20 feet away from their group. The next person in line is the defender and they will need to face their line and defend the third person in line who is the QB. The QB can decide how they want the ball to get to the receiver either by throwing or punting the ball. They will have one chance to get rid of the ball while they are being defended. The receiver will either receive the ball or go and retrieve it. The line will then rotate. See diagram below.
Verbal Cues: Hike, Punt, Pass
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- We will go through the warm and then shortly discuss the difference between defense and offense and what the rules of each party are.
Closure- We will discuss the differences between defense and offense and ask how the girls felt about playing offense. Did the defender make them want to do better or did it just make them want to give up easier?
Assessments: I will watch the girls while they punt and throw and see if the passes are getting better.
Follow up suggestions: Let the girls play the game with the rule that they have to mark up on someone at all times so they are always playing either defense or offense.
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Blue= Students in line
Green= Quarterback
Orange= Defender
Purple= Receiver
Red= Football
Slashed Line= Throwing Path
After the pass has been completed the line will rotate. The first blue will become the green, green will become orange, orange will become purple, and purple will go to the back of the line.
Flag Football 9/20
Lesson Plan
Activity: Flag Football
Skill(s): Game play Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade girls
# of Students: 40 Equipment: Cones, flags, footballs
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 1 Objective 2 B Combine skills with basic offensive and defensive strategies to participate in modified versions of individual and team sports.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Students will understand how to play in a full game of flag football.
Affective- Students will feel more motivated to play football.
Psychomotor- Students will participate with their squad in a flag foot ball game.
Safety Issues: Don’t put flags in the wrong place on your waste.
Student grouping for each activity: They are in their pre assigned squads.
Technical Description of the skills: They will play by the rules of flag football. The girls have already learned the rules.
Verbal Cues: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th down and Hike.
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- We will do a quick warm up and then go right into game play. We will review the rules of the game just to be sure.
Closure- Talk about how their motivation has changed.
Assessments: I will review what they recorded as being motivated and consider that with what the girls said during class.
Follow up suggestions:
Reference: none
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up: none
Ultimate Frisbee 9/21
Lesson Plan
Activity: Ultimate Frisbee
Skill(s): Catching on the go, throwing
Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade
# of Students: 40 Equipment: Frisbees, Cones
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 2 Objective 2 A. Recognize that time and effort are prerequisites for skill improvement.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Students will know how to correctly throw a Frisbee.
Affective- Students will want to complete the pass and catch the Frisbee.
Psychomotor- Students will complete at least 5 passes.
Safety Issues: Be careful where you are running. Don’t run into the football posts.
Student grouping for each activity: Randomly done by whistle mixer to get 8 lines, 4 running lines.
Technical Description of the skills: To complete this drill there will be a standing/ throwing line and a running/ catching line. The first person in the running line will break away and open up for a pass. The thrower will then complete a pass to the runner. The goal is to complete the pass on the go just like in game play. See the diagram below.
Verbal Cues: Follow through, Now or Pass
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- We will try out different skills to give the girls a chance to see what they are good at and what they think they would like to improve on. We will do the warm up as well. We will do less stretching and more running or less running and more stretching, I will let them choose.
Closure- We will talk about how the give and goes will be used in game play. And ask the girls how they liked doing this drill.
Assessments: I will ask the girls how many times they were able to complete a pass and if they liked being the thrower or runner more.
Follow up suggestions: Let them do the same drill but teach them more about defense and offense.
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Purple Square= Cone
Orange dots= Standing/ throwing line
Green dots= Runners/ receivers
Blue Circles= Frisbees
The purple cone is there to ensure that the students have adequate space to throw the Frisbee. We want this to be more of a give and go drill so there needs to be distance between the players.
Ultimate Frisbee 9/22
Lesson Plan
Activity: Ultimate Frisbee
Skill(s): Throwing, Passing, and Catching Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade
# of Students: 40 Equipment: Cones, Frisbees
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 2 Objective 1 C. Describe the key elements, such as balance and follow through, in the execution of sport specific skills.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Students will understand what follow through means.
Affective- Students will be excited to learn how to play ultimate Frisbee.
Psychomotor- Girls will demonstrate what a follow through looks like.
Safety Issues: Don’t throw the Frisbee into anyone. Use correct foot work for balance.
Student grouping for each activity: I will use the whistle mixer to get the girls into pairs.
Technical Description of the skills: The students will be in an athletic stance and will need to put their dominate foot forward. They will turn their dominant side towards their target. Next you will wind up the Frisbee across your body and with great effort unwind it while your arm is parallel to the ground. It’s important to let go before your arm is completely extended. And lastly, follow through by pointing to where you intended the Frisbee to go. The exact point of release will help your Frisbee in the intended direction.
Our Introductory drill- Each girl will have a partner or two and they will take turns throwing the Frisbee to one another. They will start about 5 feet apart and they will gradually move backward. See diagram below.
Verbal Cues: Follow Through.
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- We will start with the warm up and then I will introduce the crab walk. A crab walk is done by facing stomach toward the sky and walking on your hands and feet. It needs to be done while keeping the bum off the ground. We will then go into the explanation of how to throw a Frisbee.
Closure- The closure will consist of writing in their journals the following questions.
1. How motivated are you to play Ultimate Frisbee? 0 to 5
2. Tip to remember while throwing a Frisbee.
3. What is something you think you could work on during this Frisbee unit?
Assessments: I will observe each girl making at least 1 good pass with a follow through.
Follow up suggestions: Have the girls throw the Frisbee while standing on their knees.
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Colored dots= Students
Blue Circles= Frisbees
Slashed Lines= Throwing Path
Thick Black Lines= Markers for Throwing Distance
Each color represents a different group of students. Ideally you want 2 students in a group and 1 Frisbee for this drill. If you must have 3 then just alternate who throws and catches it on one end. When you see that you students are making consecutive passes give them the signal that they can move back to the next marker. The purpose of this drill is to make consecutive passes from different distances and to use your follow though to ensure your Frisbee is making it to your teammates.
Danish Rounds
Lesson Plan
Activity: Danish Rounds
Skill(s): Kicking, throwing Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade girls
# of Students: 40 Equipment: Cone, bases, kickball
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 5 Objective 1 A – Identify and follow rules while playing sports and games, while keeping winning and losing in perspective.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Students will understand how to play the game of Danish Rounds.
Affective- Students will feel a need to help their team score.
Psychomotor- Students will demonstrate running, walking, and kicking.
Safety Issues: Don’t run into people since there are a lot of people out field.
Student grouping for each activity: The students will be in their pre assigned squads and the class will be split up into two teams.
Technical Description of the skills: The rules for Danish rounds are as follows:
The outs don’t determine when to switch, switching is done when every player has kicked.
You can stay on a base as long as you want.
You make a point when you touch home base.
Picture has to stay in one spot.
There are no fouls.
You have to kick in squad line up.
You must be on a base when the cone is knocked down by the picture to be safe.
Everyone gets to kick only once and everyone has to kick.
Verbal Cues:
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- We will go over the rules of the game.
Closure- We will talk about strategies that worked and did not. I will ask how they felt about winning and losing.
Assessments: I will record if they met the objective on their own.
Follow up suggestions:
Reference: Danielle Holmes
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Black Squares= Bases
Orange Square= Cone
Green Dots= Outfield
Pink Dots= Infield
Solid Black Line= Backstop
Affective Lesson Plan 9/27
Lesson Plan
Activity: Role Playing
Skill(s): Acting in positive and negative ways Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade girls
# of Students: 40 Equipment: nothing.
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 5 Objective 2 D – Identify positive and negative peer influences.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- The girls will understand how to put them selves in an imaginary position.
Affective- The girls will desire to be in positive or negative positions.
Psychomotor- The girls will act out their person during role play.
Safety Issues: Be nice to others and don’t put others down. This is all an imaginary situation. Since there are negative situations it is important and the girls don’t touch each other while acting angry or mad.
Student grouping for each activity: The girls will be in pairs and I will let them pick their partners. I may add them with another pair to make groups of 4.
Technical Description of the skills:
Students will be put into groups of 4 and each student will be given a role to act out. 2 of the students will be a part of the negative act and the other 2 will be a part of the positive act.
The Negative act consists of both a mad referee and an angry player. The students will need to depict the situation of the referee kicking the player off the field. They are allowed to voice their opinions as long as nasty words are not said and they are considerate to each other. It is important to remember that they are role playing so nothing should be taken personally.
The Positive act is between two players at half time. Their team is in the lead 2 to 0 and they are encouraging each other to keep up the good work and to stay ahead. A pep talk could also describe this situation. Both players are urged to say only positive things.
In the groups, each pair of students will have 3 minutes to rehearse how the situation will reflect a positive or negative influence then each pair will be given 3 minutes to act out their situation to the rest of the groups.
Verbal Cues: none
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- We will talk about how positive and negative situations occur and how they make them feel.
Closure- The closure will take place within their journal writing.
After the situations have been acted out the students will be given a rubric and a set of questions to record in their journal. This assessment is completely relevant to fulfilling the objective because it allows students to see what positive and negative situations look like and the effects of words can have on people. As the students are watching each group perform they will see how situations become good and bad based on positive and negative influences.
What role were you given to play?
What are 3 key points that you said during your role play?
What are three things you noticed about the people in the positive and negative situations?
Answer the following with a yes or a no. Yes No
You listed in your journal what role you were given to act out.
You wrote down 3 different things you said while role playing.
You wrote down 3 things you noticed about the positive situation.
You wrote down 3 things you noticed about the negative situation.
Follow up suggestions: Let them do it again with made up situations of their choice at a later date.
Reference: none.
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up: The students can be in whatever set up as long as they can hear and are not facing distractions.
Additional Scenarios:
Situation 1 - Referee and Player - Negative
Referee- You are the referee for this soccer game. There is one player that is being too aggressive to play you need to take her off the field and give her a break.
Player- You are getting so upset at the fact that the referee keeps picking on you and making unfair calls. You are going to yell at her and tell her who she should be making the calls on.
Situation 2 - Teammates – Positive
Goalie- It is half time and your team is winning. You are glad that your teammate who is playing forward has been able to score and you want to tell her to keep up the good work.
Forward- You are happy that you have scored and put your team in the lead but you know that you couldn’t have done it without your goalie’s hard work and you want to tell her that she is doing a good job.
Situation 3 - Parent and Referee – Negative
Parent- You are infuriated that this dumb referee is making unfair calls. How is your child’s team supposed to win when they keep getting unfair calls? You need to give this ref a piece of your mind.
Referee- You are getting irritated by this parent on the sideline. If they tell you one more thing about how you are refereeing you are going to get very mad at them.
Situation 4 - Parent and daughter – Positive
Parent- You are glad that your daughter is getting more playing time. You know she has put in a lot of extra hours practicing and you want to let her know how proud you are of her.
Daughter- You are happy that you are playing more on the field and you are happy that your mom always supports you and comes to your games. You are going to tell her that you appreciate everything she does for you.
Ultimate Frisbee 9/28
Weber State University Physical Education
Lesson Plan
Activity: Ultimate Frisbee
Skill(s): Running, Throwing, Catching Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade girls
# of Students: 40 Equipment: Cones, Frisbees
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 5 Objective 1 C Work to improve physical fitness and motor skills.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Students will understand how catching will contribute to effective game play.
Affective- Students will enjoy the game of Frisbee and doing well.
Psychomotor- Students will catch and throw consistently.
Safety Issues: Don’t throw the Frisbee at each other.
Student grouping for each activity: The students will be separated into their pre assigned squads.
Technical Description of the skills:
First Drill: The students will be separated into their squads. They will be in a circle and just pass to one another. Their goal is to pass it and catch it consistently. This will help them develop team work. After they have had time to pass I will add another squad to their group. Each squad will continue to pass to only their squad members. This will help them unite with their team and to work on their offensive skills.
Second drill: The students will be in lines and they will work with a partner to get to the other end of the field. They will have to pass it as a give and go without dropping the Frisbee. See diagram below.
Verbal Cues: Point, Follow through, and lean back and then forward.
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- We will go through our warm up and I will let squad 6 choose how to do the warm up. We will then go into the first drill and take as long as we need to make sure we can pass and catch consistently with our teammates.
Closure- Ask them what they liked and what was hard or easy about these drills.
Assessments: I will have to look at each squad and see who needs help catching or throwing. By now they should be able to pass the Frisbee with ease to their teammates. Or we may need more time to practice just catching and passing.
Follow up suggestions: If they are ready for game play then go over the rules with them.
Reference: none.
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Red Dots= Squad 1
Blue Dots= Squad 2
Orange Circle= Squad 1’s Frisbee
Pink Circle= Squad 2’s Frisbee
Black Lines= Throwing Path
Once the teams have had experience playing with their squad members I will add them together. They will be in a bigger circle but still need to pass to their own teammates. It is important to have different colored Frisbees so it will be easier to remember who is in their squad.

Purple Dots= Squad 3
Green Dots=Squad 4
Orange Circle= Frisbee
Solid Black Lines= Running paths
Slashed Black Lines= Throwing Paths
This is a give and go drill. The students will need to pass the Frisbee ahead of the other person and that person needs to run a head to catch the Frisbee. The need to do it with accuracy then speed.
Ultimate Frisbee 9/30
Lesson Plan
Activity: Ultimate Frisbee
Skill(s): Game play Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade girls
# of Students: 40 Equipment: Frisbees, cones
Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 1 Objective 2 B. Combine skills with basic offensive and defensive strategies to participate in modified versions of individual and team sports.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Students will know all of their teammates’ names.
Affective- Students will have an increased motivation to play Ultimate Frisbee.
Psychomotor- Students will demonstrate strategies their teams have been using.
Safety Issues: Don’t guard too closely.
Student grouping for each activity: Students are in their pre assigned squads.
Technical Description of the skills: Ultimate Frisbee Game play.
Verbal Cues: Point, throw, lean back,
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- We will go through our warm up and then start on our games.
Closure- Write in our journals.
Assessments: I will have them answer the following questions in their journals.
1. Write three rules of Ultimate Frisbee.
2. Write a strategy your team has been using in game play.
3. Write the names of everyone in your squad.
Follow up suggestions: Just make sure each team gets to play each team.
Reference: none
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up: none
Step Aerobics
Activity:Step aerobics
Skill(s): Warm up, cool down and workout
Grade Level: 8th Grade Girls
# of students: 30
Equipment (what and how much) 31 Steps, music micro phone, 8 mats.
Link to Utah State Standard – standard 2. Obj. 3 a.
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1)Cognitive- Students will remember and recall the combos to do them later.
(2) Affective- Students will feel the intensity with different levels with risers.
(3) Psychomotor- Students will learn step combinations that they have never done before.
Safety Issues- Entire foot needs to make contact with the bench, shoes need to be tied and everyone needs to get a drink at the drink breaks.
Grouping for each activity: Students will not be grouped but they will be organized based on height. We will put taller people in the back and then rotate so everyone has a chance to be in the front.
Technical Description: Step aerobics requires the ability to stay at a set pace either with the teacher or the music. I will perform each movement before I ask them to do it. I will perform it slow and as many times as needed to ensure every one gets it. We will learn about the warm up, work out and cool down. Step also requires progression as you cannot learn the second step until you have learned the first one.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 First thing will be to introduce what the steps are used for and I will also make sure that the students know about their different levels available. We will listen to music and clap according to the beat so that I can know who may have a problem or we can clear it up before we try it on the steps so that no one gets embarrassed.
2 Next we will do the warm up off the bench so they know that a warm up is important for every activity we do. We will also have drink breaks scheduled so that they learn staying hydrated is important as well. We will move onto the workout and I will talk about progression as they learn it.
3 The cool down will then come next. We will slowly take it off the bench and finish our cool down on the floor. We will be able to tell that our heart rate has lowered.
Verbal cues
I will always give positive feedback and encouragement. Also alignment cues will be necessary as time goes on in the rush of things.
Review/ Assessment:
This is a review when it comes to taking our heart rates and warming up. none
Suggestions for follow-up none
Reference none
Football Spring 2010
Lesson Plan
Student Teachers: Marci Barker and Dan Valletta
Activity: Football
Skill(s): Pass patterns, running to open space, flag football
Grade Level: 7-9th grade
# of Students: 20-25
Equipment: 8 footballs, flags, 8-10 cones, whiteboard, markers,
Connect to Utah State Standard:
Standard 1 Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activity.
Standard 2 Obj. C- Identify successful cues for improved skill performance.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Student will recite the verbal cues of a specific pass pattern by the end of the class period.
Affective- Students will feel like they are progressing in the skill of running pass patterns and to open space by the end of class.
Psychomotor- Student will demonstrate effective passing and catching in their pass patterns at least 4 times without dropping the ball 10 feet from their teammate.
Safety Issues: Make sure gym is clear of obstacles, plenty of space to complete pass patterns, boundaries marked by cones for game play.
Student grouping for each activity: Act. 1 Groups of two to practice pivot positions to catch the ball as soon as possible. Act. 2 Groups of 3 to 4 to practice a pass pattern with receiver, 1 or 2 defenders, and quarterback. Act. 3 Two teams for game play.
Technical Description of the skills:
Act. 1- Students will practice receiving the ball as soon as they count to 3 together and one player turns around. Students will switch positions.
Act. 2- The quarterback starts with the ball. They will call out which pattern the receiver will run. The defender will face the receiver and be ready to block the pass while receiver attempts to catch the ball. All players will start when the quarterback says the word, “go.” Players will rotate positions.
Act. 3- We will play a normal flag football game.
Verbal Cues: Know what pattern the QB instructs you to run. Line up at the line of scrimmage in runners stance. Take off after the QB says go and run the pattern. Time the pass with the QB.
Learning Experiences: Why it’s important to know a specific pass pattern to be successful in football.
Introduction- Tell them we’re doing a couple activities to get ready for our game play. Split them up into pairs and start Act. 1.
Lesson- Next, we will go over the 4 pass patterns. Slant, hook, turn and go, post. We will demonstrate the patterns or have students do it. We will tell the students the verbal cues that they need to remember. After the students have practiced the pass patterns we’ll review the rules of flag football and then start to play.
Closure- Review the cues and ask them how the feel about how they are improving with the skills. Students will pick up equipment.
Assessments: Assessment will take place during the 2nd activity. We will monitor each groups’ ability to run the correct pass pattern and passing and catching the ball successfully.
Follow up suggestions: Running plays using more defenders.
Reference: none
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up: none
Step Aerobic Lesson Plan and Assessment
Lesson Plan
Marci Barker and Rebecca Payton
Activity: Step Aerobics- Cardiovascular fitness
Skill(s): Rhythm and Dance, aerobic and anaerobic activity
Grade Level: 7-9
# of Students: 15-17
Equipment: Music, steps, assessment papers
Connect to Utah State Standard: Fitness for Life - Standard 2 Objective 3 E. Compare aerobic and anaerobic activities, showing examples of each.
Learning Objectives:
Cognitive- Students will know how to keep a beat and complete and remember the combinations by the end of the class period.
Affective- Students will feel competent in doing both aerobic and anaerobic activity by the end of the class period and record their feelings on their answer sheet about their experience with step aerobics.
Psychomotor- Students will demonstrate how to correctly maneuver their bodies to complete the combination.
Safety Issues: Students need to be aware of their foot placement on the bench and stay within their own area.
Student grouping for each activity: Students will not be grouped just spread out, each with their own step bench. Periodically we will switch up the rows and columns with everyone moving to the left or everyone moving up a row.
Technical Description of the skills: Students will first learn how to keep a beat and then we will work with progression to learn the step combinations. The combinations will consist of the following step moves: V steps, revolving door, corner knees, rocking horse, knee walk, over the top, corner claps, and 3 knee repeater.
Verbal Cues: 3 more, 5-6-7-8, make sure entire foot is making contact with the bench and floor, and pick your intensity.
Learning Experiences:
Introduction- We will first go over what we are doing for the day and address the standard we are covering. Step aerobics is a great workout that can be modified to fit any level of fitness. We will also do a conditioning period where anaerobic exercises will take place.
Closure- Remember that cardiovascular endurance is important but so is muscular strength and endurance. The two can be intertwined with step aerobics.
Assessments: We will have students record their feelings during and at the end of the class period. They will circle the number to indicate how hard they worked during the aerobic section and anaerobic section. They will choose a number 1-10 to represent how they felt. They will also tell about the experience with step and how it can be good to use in the future for their fitness.
Follow up suggestions: Do more rhythmic dancing and activities or involve music in future lessons to set the pace or atmosphere of what you want to do.
Reference: Marci’s job as a fitness instructor and Rebecca’s recent experience with aerobic conditioning.
Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up: This is how the steps will be set up.
Marci Rebecca
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
Assessment below:
Name: ________________
Have you ever done step aerobics before? Yes No
On a scale of 1-10 how hard do you feel you worked during the anaerobic (conditioning) period?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
On a scale of 1-10 how hard do you feel you worked during the aerobic (step) period?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What did you like about step aerobics?
What did you dislike, if anything, about step aerobics?
How can step aerobics benefit your fitness in the future?

Health.utah.gov- lesson plan
Activity Sheets
Grade level: K-6
Skill: Speed, coordination
Play Area: Gym or playground
Equipment: Sheets with different activities
Activity: Divide players into equal teams. Give each team a sheet of paper that has the following activities in a different order
Stand like a flamingo for 10 seconds•
Do 5 jumping jacks•
Run in place for 15 seconds•
Scream with fright•
Clap your hands 10 times•
Yell “hurrah”•
Tap 3 people on the shoulder•
Pretend to hula hoop 10 times•
Pretend jump rope 10 times•
Run in place while saying the alphabet•
Bend and stretch 5 times•
Circle your arms backwards 10 times•
Touch your head shoulders, knees and toes 3 times•
Shake hands with everyone in your group•
Have the teams do all of the activities on the list in the order they are listed. The first team to finish wins.
If activity moves too fast, You can place colored sheets of paper on one end of the gym and have teams run • to get their next activity.
Muscular Strength
Lesson Plan
Name: Marci Barker
Activity: Muscular Strength
Week/ Day of Unit: Nov. 11, 2009
Skill(s): isolating muscles, following directions, understand how to exercise without equipment.
Grade Level: College Students
# of students: 18 – 20
Equipment (what and how much): Microphone, music, and possibly mats.
Link to
Standard 2, Obj. 2d. Explain the concepts related to muscular strength, e.g., isotonic, isometric, and isokinetic exercises, the over load principle, and the work/rest ratio.
Standard 5, Obj. 3b. Work independently and on task with a partner and in small or large group activities.
Standard 6 Obj. 3d. Participate in programs and facilities in the community that foster activity choice and self expression.
Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
(1)Cognitive- Students will understand how to isolate a muscle or muscle group.
(2)Affective- Students will feel a personal achievement while working on their own but with others in a large group.
(3)Psychomotor- Students will know the difference between a gross motor exercise and isolating a specific muscle and then demonstrate it.
Safety Issues: Students will need to be aware of proper body alignment and unsafe stretches. Also students need to respect that everyone is at their own level.
Grouping for each activity: Everyone will be in one large group. They will be evenly spaced and be able to hear their instructors voice and be able to see as well. Everyone will be facing the front of the classroom.
Technical Description: As a class we will go through a warm up, work out, and cool down. We will learn how to isolate specific muscles to build muscular strength in our legs and behind. I will face the class and make sure that everyone can hear me. I will also be using a wireless microphone to save my voice and also project it. I will have music in the background for variety and motivation. I will ask both a boy and a girl to be my helpers. If anyone has questions on how to do an exercise they will be mixed into the class for a closer demonstrator.
We will go through muscular strength exercises to isolate our gluts, hamstrings, quads, and calves. I will periodically ask for feedback to know how they are feeling. Also I will count repetitions to the music to ensure we move through the workout together. I will offer different variations of some of the exercise so my students have some options based on their level of muscular strength or ability. Our warm up will consist of dynamic stretching and some plyo metrics. Our cool down will consist of stretching both standing and on the floor.
Homework is derived from the third standard listed above, which is to participate in programs around.
Learning Experiences (introduction, drills)
1 We will start with a warm up by doing dynamic stretching and plyo metrics.
2 Next we will go into the work out which is isolating specific muscles to increase muscular strength.
3 Last we will do a cool down by stretching the used muscles and return to our resting heart rates.
Closure will consist of:
Homework: go to a group fitness class of your choice to work on muscular strength.
The next days class schedule.
Discussion about being able to work on muscular strength without any equipment and how isolation of muscles works to improve muscular strength in a desired area. It is different that the other components but just as important.
We will be in one big group for the activity and each time I feel it is necessary I will switch the students in the front with students in the back so I know everyone has had a chance to be up front.
Verbal cues
Positive feedback is always important.
Cues will need to be given about proper body alignment and contraction of muscles.
I will use the term ladies and gents or people or kids, anything but guys.
Diagram of equipment and transition
Front of Class
[==] <--Sound system
X <--Me
X X X X X X X <-- Students