
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Flag Football 9/13

Weber State University Physical Education

Lesson Plan

Activity: Flag foot ball

Skill(s): Running, Catching, Passing Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade

# of Students: 40 Equipment: Foot balls and cones

Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 5 Objective 1 B- Make responsible choices based on the safety of self and others when participating in physical activities.

Learning Objectives:

Cognitive- By the end of class the students will understand how to run down the field and maneuver to catch a pass.

Affective- Students will feel a need to help their teams win.

Psychomotor- By the end of class each girl will have run down the field at least 4 times.

Safety Issues: The girls will need to be cognizant of others running around the drill as well as those who are trying to catch and intercept the pass.

Student grouping for each activity: I will first split the girls into 3 groups separated by their grade. We will also do the whistle mixer idea and use their previously assigned squads to put them in teams.

Technical Description of the skills: We will do our normal warm up skills that consist of high knees, butt kicks, spiderman, skipping, and the back peddle. We will do these motor skills while doing the while mixer. I will then add a gallop.

For the first drill I will have the girls be in three groups and each will be lined up at the half line of the field I will tell them when to go and then I will throw the ball to whoever calls for it or in the general direction. If they are having a hard time I will have them get into their squads and half them practice passing again.

If the girls seem to be standing for too long, I will have 6 lines that consist of two in each grade. And have 6 people go at once. We’ll just have to see how it goes and then adjust it as times goes on. Each grade will receive a point for each catch that was made depending on who caught the ball.

After a certain amount of passes or rounds I will assign 1st 2nd and 3rd place teams an assignment to do such as do 20 jumping jacks or run 1 lap. I will let the girls pick the task a head of time.

Verbal Cues: Cut (meaning to stop running and turn around) and Hike (Go).

Learning Experiences:

Introduction- I will introduce the whistle mixer to them and also go over the 5 P’s again. I want to get those rules ingrained into their minds.

Closure- I have asked everyone to bring a notebook that they can leave in their lockers. I will ask them the following questions and have them record their answers in their journal.

  1. Draw a picture of a running pass that you saw was used or that you used to catch the ball.
  2. Did you want your team to win? Did you try to help them win?
  3. About how many times did you get to make a run down the field?

Assessments: My assessment will take place in the girls’ journals. I will do my best to watch everyone and write down what I see but I will use what they write down to help me assess them and what they are doing in class.

Follow up suggestions: Did they get bored? If they are progressing really well, I might put them in a game situation and reward the teams that used what we just learn in the drill.

Reference: none

Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Purple = Me

Green= 7th graders

Blue= 8th Graders

Orange= 9th Graders

Orange Squares= Cones

Red= Football

Once I say hike, the first girl in each line will try to catch the ball. Some will just run and some will make a cut to get the ball. I will give the girls that want to turns at throwing the ball. We will use only one ball so that it gets returned quickly.

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