
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find lesson plans and other teaching materials that I have written/accumulated while attending Weber State University. I hope that these lesson plans and ideas will be useful to you. I love to teach and I am always looking to improve. If you have any questions/concerns/comments please drop me a line at marcibarker@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ultimate Frisbee Drills

This is an example of a lesson plan I used in my curriculum class. It seemed to be very effective, however, I haven't used it on adolescent students yet.

Weber State University Physical Education

Lesson Plan

Activity: Ultimate Frisbee Drills

Skill(s): Catching, throwing, running Grade Level: 7-9

# of Students: 8-12 Equipment: Poly spots, Frisbees, cones

Connect to Utah State Standard: Standard 2 Objective 2

C- Identify successful cues for improved skill performance.

D- Move to open space to receive a pass in a variety of activities

Learning Objectives:

Cognitive- Students will understand the drills by running to the correct place discussed every time.

Affective- Students will list their feelings in their journals 3 successful cues that helped them complete the objective and what their favorite part of the lesson was.

Psychomotor- Students will use their motor skills to run and catch the Frisbee multiple times during each of the drills.

Safety Issues: Students will need adequate room to throw and catch the Frisbee so it is important that they watch their space. They need to pay attention to avoid getting hit with a Frisbee.

Student grouping for each activity: Students will first be partnered up and practice throwing and catching to each other. The next drills will utilize everyone in the class.

Technical Description of the skills:

Ping Pong- Students will be in pairs. One is the thrower (T) and the other the receiver (R). The T stays on one ploy spot while the R has three poly spots they can be on. All poly spots need to be different colors. The T calls out the color of the poly spot that the R needs to catch the Frisbee at. The R needs to go to a different poly spots until it is time to switch.

Line to Line- Students will be split up into two lines facing each other about 20 ft apart. There will be two cones on either side of the lines forming a diamond. The students will complete the drill by remembering this pattern. Throw the Frisbee to the person on the right, run to the left cone, catch a Frisbee and get in the back of the opposite line. After a time the order will be switched to learn from a different angle.

Flood Break Game- The class stands in a line with one person being the captain (C). The line is facing the C. The person in the back of the line (D) runs up to a poly spot by the C and calls for the Frisbee. The next last person in line (E) makes a run to the goal line and tries to catch the Frisbee to make a goal. When D catches the throw from C the rest of the line is allowed to make a break and runs to the goal line. D tries to make a goal with E but the line tries to intercept the Frisbee to make a point. The first one to touches the Frisbee in the goal zone becomes C.

Verbal Cues: Remember the objective and to be positive.

Learning Experiences:

Introduction- Today we will are going to work on our throwing and catching skills through a variety of drills. Let’s focus on the objectives that we are working on and try to improve upon that area. Cues are very important in a sport. As we go through the drills, try to identify successful cues on when to receive the Frisbee as if you were in real game play.

Closure- Remember that Ultimate Frisbee is a game that requires teamwork, strategy, and endurance. Write in your journal some successful cues that helped you achieve running and catching the Frisbee. Also, what your favorite part of today’s lesson was.

Assessments: I will read in their journals their feelings and improvements and to see if they listed some cues that they will use in a real life game. Also I will watch their strategies during the game play to see if they tried something different from round to round.

Follow up suggestions: Add defense into the line to line drill. Play Flood Break on actual field and use multiple poly spots for Ping Pong and have multiple pairs use the same poly spots so students learn to dodge people to catch the Frisbee.

Reference: http://www.menalto.com/ultimate/view_play.php?play_id=434

Diagram of learning environment and equipment set up:

Black- Students

Colors- Poly Spots

The student closest to the poly spot is the receiver. The other is the thrower; it is the receiver’s job to run to whatever color the thrower yells out. This is the cue. The receiver needs to be ready to catch the Frisbee. Once received they will return it to the thrower and start over again. Students will switch places either after a # of repetitions or after a specified time.

Black- Students

Blue- Poly Spots

Red- Frisbee

The student will throw the Frisbee to the student to their right, run to the left cone and receive a Frisbee from the opposite line. Once they catch it they will hand it to the next person in the line from where they received it and get in the back of the line. Students need to communicate to each other for successful cues and passes.

Black- Students

Orange- Poly Spots

Straight Black Line- Goal Line

Red- Frisbee

Someone will start as the captain at the poly spot. They will cue their teammates to go. One student needs to run to D and one needs to run the path of E. Once the last student reaches the furthest poly spot on the right the rest of the class is allowed to run to the goal line. They are trying to intercept the Frisbee. The first person to touch the Frisbee passed the goal line gets a point and now gets to be the captain. The students rotate positions clockwise.

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